Vaccine/Drug Development

Vaccine/Drug Development :

Mass cytometry allows for highly multiplexed characterization of cellular immune responses in small-volume samples. The capabilities of mass cytometry offer expanded potential for deciphering immune responses to vaccines and a novel drug development. Therefore, vaccine and drug development study can systematically employ the mass cytometry technology from the start to influence both candidate design and clinical evaluation.

  • Acute immune responses to vaccine/drug rely on dramatic changes in the immune cell composition

  • Immune profiling by mass cytometry

  • Powerful and fast immune system monitoring with mass cytometry


Mass Cytometry Study on Hepatic Fibrosis and Its Drug-Induced Recovery Using Mouse Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells

Bae et al. (2022) Front. Immunol., |

#MassCytometry #LiverDisease #PBMC #ImmuneResponse